

Bergamasco sheepdog is a muscular, solid, with large skull, thick tail, hanging up the shank, curved slightly upward toward the top. The entire dog is covered with a very heavy coat, forming pigtails (twisted strands)


They are very intelligent dogs balanced, calm, patient, who like to always have something to do. Are independent, alert and courageous, also very tied to family. The intelligence this dog has been selected over many years of natural selection. Also, were carefully selected, in terms of aggressiveness, the specimens were excluded from breeding retive. Bergamasco is a peaceful dog. Chicks playing with each other without having impulses of rivalry, growing in harmony with each other and develop strong interpersonal relationships that last a lifetime.
Bergamasco breed dogs to respect each other, avoiding to irritate or provoke against each other. Early socialization with other dogs or other pets, they will accept easily. I am quite reserved with strangers. Bergamasco is a friend, not a subject, it does not depend on, but is subject to demonstrate their affection, and will not run anything under threat. This dog must always understand why we have to take a particular action, and then will meet with pleasure, but in his way. It is a careful and reserved dog, constantly attend to everything happening around him. Although not aggressive, is an excellent watchdog because he does not like them fine that the territory invaded by foreigners.

Home & Family Relations

This dog is absolutely a special relationship with children. This wakes them their ancient instincts. They are attentive to children, patient, tolerant and protectors, they look for the company, encourage games, establishing a real friendship with them. Thus, anyone who owns a dog Bergamasco, it may be lucky and has a great baby sitter, who loves and takes care of him all the time. They are good guards, but do not attack unless something seriously threatens their family. Due to the behavior that you adopt a child from these dogs were used in the treatment of handicapped children.


They are easily trained and trained dogs, because of their intelligence. Still have an independent thread, so it is very important consistency and firmness in training. Also, early socialization of puppies is important.


Bergamasco is a dog who prefer a seasonal climate and the cold. Due to the dense coat, they bear very low temperatures. They do not adapt well to apartment life, preferring a house with land that can move.
These dogs love the outdoors so much movement, so a long daily walk, or guard flocks or even a serious play with children will make them happy.

Current illnesses

They are usually a very healthy breed, with a low prevalence of genetic diseases. Average life of this dog is 13-15 years. The number of chicks on a nest is 6-10 puppies

German Shepherd Dog

Known also as Alsatian, German Shepherd Dog has consistently been a favorite of the 10 races in the United States as a member of the herding group. Despite the similarity with the wild wolf, German Shepherds are a loyal, faithful and devoted, and with proper training, can perform almost any task.

History and Origin
Before the late 1800s, who shepherded sheep dogs were randomly paired, and only the most skilled were selected. With the close of the twentieth century, a strict selection program was first in Germany to become shepherds in a randomly bred sheepdog more balanced, multilateral character and intelligence.The newly formed German Shepherd breed has progressed and gained popularity through the early 1900s. When World War I broke out in 1914, all things nemtesti became taboo, even German language courses were removed from school curricula.German Shepherd's fate was uncertain. In order to save the breed, the American Kennel Club, which had registered the breed in 1912, temporarily change the name to the shepherd dog. After the war, however, the breed's original name was restored. In Britain, the breed name was changed to Alsatian, although the name of the German Shepherd was finally restored in 1979.In the 1950s and 1960s, Americans became interested in German Shepherd dogs, so a large number of copies were imported.Over the years, German Shepherds have become useful as guide dogs for the blind, deaf and people with other disabilities because of intelligence, character, balanced, easy ability to be educated and trained, as well as to the quality of getting along with people. Military and police services are committed to quality copies of his German shepherd to differentiate smells. They were all used in making crimilalilor, drugs, weapons, bombs and to find and rescue people under rubble caused by earthquakes or other disasters.
Appearance and size
German Shepherd dog is a medium-sized or large, pointed ears and high presenting an elongated body and a weather resistant coat. The coat is made of a double being dense and compact outer hair and a deep puff finest German Shepherd giving them the ability to withstand extreme climates. The most popular varieties are black and tan or a mixture thereof with a dark mane dark or black. White Shepherds are not accepted in dog shows, but have become popular pets.Height at the withers is 60-65 cm in male and female 55-60 cm. Optimum weight is between 35-40 kg.
German Shepherd is very intelligent, easily trained, strong and elegant. Although it is known that dogs are not overly affectionate, loyal and faithful shepherds. The breed is recognized as a police dog, often used in search and rescue missions. German Shepherd is also a popular companion dog, a family member, a guard dog and companion for people with various disabilities.
Home & Family Relations
Because of their tolerance, German Shepherds are excellent pets for children, being native patron. With a proper education Shepherd dog can be an effective and imposing security and protection.
Training these dogs must be started early. Uneducated dogs tend to be difficult to restrain and control. As shepherds are intelligent and eager to learn, they can be educated to perform different tasks. They performed security and protection services, activities within the police service, tracking operations, search and rescue, as well providing assistance to persons with various disabilities. Initially trained as guard dogs for herding and protecting livestock herds, race is used, yet, for this purpose in some regions.
German Shepherds Dogs do not require special care. Daily brushing will help to maintain clean and healthy coat.
Current illnesses
Although the German Shepherd breed is a robust, it is prone to a variety of disease-Torsion (dilation) is a gastric disorder sudden life-threatening dog associated with air and torsionarii filling his stomach.-Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the dog coxofemurale joint resulting in pain, lameness and subsequent arthritis.-Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system that develops between the ages of 2-5 years.-Panosteita is manifested by inflammation of the long bones during growth. This causes pain and lameness until the maturity of the dog's body.Pyoderma-refers to severe skin infections. Hot spots are areas of wet eczema.-Pannus-eye is a disease of inflammation that results in its appearance.-Degenerative myelopathy is a degenerative disease, progressive spinal cord that slowly causes weakness and, finally, inability to use the dog's back legs (paralysis).-Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas associated with an insufficient production of insulin.-Pancreatic insufficiency is another disorder that causes failure digerarii pancreatic appropriate food.
In addition, German Shepherds shows a high incidence of allergies, ear infections (ear) and malignant cancers such as hemangiosarcoma. Average life of German Shepherd is 10-13 years.

Standard F.C.I. Nr. 166 / 23.03.1991
Origin: Germany / 23.03.1991Classification FCI: Group 1 - Guard Dogs and sheepfoldSection 1 - Sheepdogs with this examUse: Use multilateral - working dogs, guard and defense
German Shepherd Dog is medium sized, slightly elongated, strong and well muscled, the bones dry and compact assembly. Size Height at withers is important, male, 60 cm to 65 cm and females from 55 cm to 60 cm. Length of torso exceeds height at withers approx. 10 to 17%.
German Shepherd should be in terms of nature balanced, stable nervous, confident, fully nesfios (out exciting situations) and gentle, plus attentive and docile. He must have courage, fighting spirit and strength to be suitable as a dog companion, guard, defense service and the sheepfold.
The head is wedge-shaped, according to body size (length approx. 40% of the height at withers) without being heavy or over-stretched, the appearance of dry, moderately wide between ears, forehead, seen from the side and front, only less rounded and less pronounced with or without a median convolution. The ratio between the top of the head and muzzle is 50% to 50%. Upper width approximately the length of its head. The top of the head (seen above) leading from ears to nose, narrowing evenly, with a stop tilted, not very marked. Upper and lower jaw have a strong conformation.Septum is straight, a concavity or convexity are undesirable. The lips are stretched, closing well and dark.
Nose (nose) should be black.
Teeth should be strong, healthy and complete (42 teeth according to tooth formula).German Shepherd has a scissor bite, meaning the incisors must occur in the form of scissors (crossing the upper incisors forfecandu the lower incisors). Pincer bite, undershot upper or lower are poor, and large interdental spaces. Poor dental arch is also the right incisors. Must be developed jaw bones, teeth can be implanted so deeply in the jaw.
The eyes are medium sized, almond-shaped, slightly oblique and prominent us. Eye color should be nearly closed. Light-colored eyes, stingy are undesirable, because changing the expression of the dog.
German Shepherd Dog has erect ears of medium size ears, held parallel (no lateral deviation). They are sharp and forward-oriented flags. Semi-erect or hanging ears are faulty. Ears held back during motion at rest that are not considered defective.
The neck should be strong, well muscled and without dewlap. The trunk angle (horizontal) is about 45%.BODYTopline arising from the neck over the withers with well-formed and very little left over back from horizontal to slightly left croup without a visible break.
The back is firm, strong and well muscled. The balance is broad, strong and well muscled form.
Croup should be long and slightly left (about 230 from the horizontal) and move without a break in the topline in the tail.
The chest should be moderately broad, lower long as possible and obvious. Depth of chest should be about. 45% to 48% of the height to the withers.The ribs should have a mean curvature. Thorax with the ribs too curved (barrel-form) is as defective as the rib flat chest.
The tail reaches at least to the hocks, but not longer than its half. At the bottom she has long hair and is carried curving smoothly. The agitation and movement it is carried above, but without exceeding the horizontal. Plastic surgery for correction are prohibited.
Forelegs are straight viewed from any direction, viewed from the front and perfectly parallel. Blade and the arm are the same length and attached to the trunk by strong muscles. The angle between shoulder and arm 900 is in the ideal case, the rule until 1100.
Elbows are not allowed to have deviations in or out, or in a static position nor inmiscare.Your forearms are viewed from all directions, straight and perfectly parallel to each other, dry and well muscled.
Pastern has a length of approx. Third of the forearm and formed with it an angle of approx. 200-220. As a Pastern too inclined (less than 220) and a little inclined (less than 200) affects usability, especially endurance.
The paws are rounded, tightly closed and curved, hard soles, but not brittle. Claws are strong and dark.
Hind limb is slightly backward position, which is, seen from behind, parallel to each other. Femur and tibia are about equal lengths, forming an angle of approx. 120, hind legs are strong and well muscled. Heels are strong and stable, hock is perpendicularly below the heel. Feet are dark, slightly raised, hard pads and dark, strong claws, bombs and also dark. The skin is detached, but without forming folds.
Properly cover the German Shepherd hair is coarse hair with an undercoat. Hair covering must be common, coarse, straight and attached to the body. On the head, including inside the ears, front of legs, feet and fingers on the hair is short, slightly longer neck and more often. On the back of the limb lengthens the hair to Kish shank respectively. On the back of the pants legs coat is moderate.
Black with red spots - brown, brown, yellow to gray. Black Uni, dark gray gradients.Small white spots, less visible on the chest, and inner parts that are permitted but not desirable. Whatever hair color, nose must be black. Lack mask, eyes open, puncture, as open or whitish spots on the chest and inner parts, claws open and red tail tip are considered defects in pigmentation. The undercoat shows a light shade of gray. The white color is inadmissible.
Males: height at withers = 60 ... 65 cmWeight = 30 ... 40 kgFemales: height at withers = 55 ... 60 cmWeight = 22 ... 32 kgTestesMales should have two normal testicles, fully descended into the scrotum obvious.
German Shepherd Dog is a trotter. The limbs must be so proportioned in length and angulation, the hind legs that can lead to below the trunk and front legs as much in front, with no essential change in the back line. Any inclination toward over angulation of the hind limbs, diminished strength and stability and thus the possibility of use. In case of setting the correct proportions and angulation result in a fluid motion and to the ground, which leaves the impression of advancing without effort. At a regular walk, quiet, his head bent forward and tail slightly elevated, forming a slightly curved line, uninterrupted, which leads from the top of the ears, neck and back over the top to tail.
Any deviation from the above mentioned points should be considered as defective, whose depunctare depends on the degree of deviation.
Serious Defectsa) Deviations of the above mentioned characteristics of the breed, which affects the ability to use the dog.b) Defects ears: ears too low by side, hanging ears, soft ears.c) strong pigmentation defects.d) weak general constitution.e) dental defects: any deviation from scissors bite and the correct dental formula, as long as it's not bad for exclusion.2. Defects Exclusiona) Low Fire, aggression, lability nervous.b) Dogs with proven severe dysplasia.c) Monorhidie and cryptorchidism, and males with uneven or atrophied testicles.d) Dogs with disfiguring defects of the ears and tail.e) Dogs with deformities.f) Dogs with a lack of dental defects: one in March and another premolar tooth, or a canine or premolar 4, or a mole, a mole that two, or a total of three or more teeth.g) Dogs with jaw defects: undershot upper 2mm or more, undershot, the entire space pincer bite incisors.h) Dogs that exceed standard limits up or down by more than 1 cm.i) Albinism.j) The white color of hair, even in the eyes and claws dark.k) long wiry hair (long, soft, do not stay attached to the body, with an undercoat, tufts of hair on ears and legs, and tail forming voluminous trousers flag down).l) Long Hair (long, soft, without undercoat, usually parted in the middle, along the spine, tufted ears and tail states.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd is a dog with strong herding and guarding instincts, very smart and very loyal. It is a faithful companion, but also has the power and energy and work all day. It has a very balanced temperament.

History and origin
Although there are many theories about the origin of these breeds of dogs, Australian Shepherd, in its present form developed exclusively in the United States. Breed Australian Shepherd named because of its association with Basque Shepherds who arrived in America in the 1800s in Australia. The popularity of this breed of dog in America has increased dramatically after World War II, with the explosion of Western equitation and gender Rodeo performances.Thus, the dogs became known by the general public Rodeo shows, equestrian shows, movies and television cinamatografice. Versatility of these dogs, and the ease with which trained him, had very useful in many U.S. farms and ranch sites. U.S. farmers have increased the breed, mentinanu them and developed his versatility, sharp intelligence, vigilance and herd instinct. Australian Shepherd was registered in various genealogical records, starting in 1950.In 1990, the American Association of Australian Shepherd was established as the breed parent club, the representative of the breed in American Kennel Club. In 1991, in September, the AKC officially recognized the Australian Shepherd as a breed by themselves, accepting your Genealogical Register.
Appearance and size
Australian Shepherd is a medium sized dog, well balanced, slightly longer than tall.
The waist is approximately 50-56 cm in males and females about 48-50. It is a solidly built dog with moderate bone. Sexual dimorphism marked, males being better built, but without being rude, and females are lighter, but without the constitution debility. The head of this dog is well defined, lean but powerful. Must be proportional to the body.
The muzzle is equal in length or slightly shorter than skull. Viewed in profile, nose and occipitalul form parallel planes, separated by a moderate stop, but is slightly better definit.Botul conical base to the tip and rounded ends. The head is expressive, with an intelligent expression, attentive, alert, ardent.
The eyes can be brown, blue or any variation or combination of colors, including spotted or mottled. The ears are triangular, of moderate size, set high on cap.In attention can be directed forward or sideways, like a rosette. Left on the back or hanging ears are severe faults. The skull is flat in the crown, or slightly rounded, with moderate bulge is well deifinit occipitaului stearsa.Stopul.
The neck is strong, of moderate length, slightly arched, well caught by the shoulders.Line top:-back is straight and strong, horizontally, from the withers to the hips. Croup is slightly left. Chest is not broad, but chest is deep with the lowest point reaching the elbow joint latch. The ribs are long, well arched, elaastice. The tail is straight, can be cropped or may be shorter in natte, but should not exceed 10 inches in length.
Train Previous: back is long, flat, well sloped backwards, well caught by the body. Arm, which would be about the same length as the shoulder, forming an angle of about 90 degrees with it. Forelegs are straight, perpendicular to the ground. The limbs are strong, with the skeleton as powerful. The flutes are of medium length and slightly sloping. Feet are oval, compact with close pads, well arched nails. Pads are durable and thickened epidermis.
Train back: hip width is equal to shoulder width. The angle between pelvis and femur is equal to that of the shoulder and humerus, forming an angle of about 90 degrees.Stifle joint is well defined, hock moderately inclined. Jaretii are short, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other, seen from behind. Spurs that appear to be removed surgically. Feet are oval, compact with toes close together and arched nails.
Pads are thick, strong.
Coat hair is medium texture, straight or slightly wavy, medium length and weathering time. Undercoat differ in thickness, depending on climate. The hair is short and soft on the head, ears, front of chest and limbs in hock. Thoracic limbs back of shell is rich in roots. Males have a mane as more rich than females. Like the color coat can be blue, black, red, red with tan and white signs. Line a white collar should not exceed point withers. White is acceptable on the neck, which can form a full or partial collar, chest, limbs, sides of muzzle on the head. The white head should not predominate and the eyes must be completely surrounded by color and pigment. Train Australian Shepherd is smooth, easy, free. Express great agility on the move, a step very well balanced, able to cover long distances. Forelegs and hind move parallel to the midline of the body. As the dog's speed increases, feet (anterior and posterior) converge toward the center, toward the median line, while the back remains straight, the same level. Australian Shepherd must be very agile and able to change direction or shape instantly with ease.
Australian Shepherd is a dog with strong herding and guarding instincts, very smart and very loyal. It is a faithful companion, but also has the power and energy and work all day. It has a very balanced temperament.
Home & Family Relations
It is an excellent family dog, loves to go with car owner to accompany the rides, just to be in his company as dog farm, its performance with more responsibility and rigor, gathering stray cattle or animals finding the bushes. Many of these dogs accompany their owners in volunteering in orphanages orphaned or physically or mentally disabled, in the framework of actions for these types of social care. There are dogs that require attention and concern rather than the master, accompanying him from room to room, always wanting to be in his presence. As they have a strong instinct to protect land and property owner, these dogs must be controlled with firmness, not to become overly aggressive.
It is an easy dog ​​to train, easy to maintain and very eager to please his master.Aussie has been and is still used as a guide dog for the blind, deaf, in police actions and to detect narcotics in rescue or search the mountain, following disasters. In the Arctic regions are used as sled dog even In short, is an Australian Shepherd dog with a large capacity and versatility to adapt to very different situations. Aussie is a very active dog, requiring more exercise daily to prevent plictisirea and developing destructive habits. Due to the high level of energy that we have, combined with great intelligence, these dogs constantly need to give them something to do, or you have to take care of children, to defend the house, to observe and gather the flock or to compete in different canine competitions.
Current illnesses
The most common problem of these dogs is hip dysplasia. This is a genetically transmitted disease, although environmental factors such as excessive growth and rapid weight gain may worsen the problem. The disease can be diagnosed by radiography, which is around the age of 8-9 months, or sooner if problems arise movement. Specimens used for breeding will be examined to determine whether mandatory or not the disease. Radiographs will be sent to OFA-Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, which will be examined by a specialist, who would qualify as excellent hip joint conformation, good, satisfactory or dysplasia (ranging from moderate to severe). Australian Shepherd Dog breed still shows a series of eye problems, which are also inherited, which affect the in varying degrees, ranging up to total loss of sight. These conditions can be: Ocular coloboma, iris coloboma, juvenile or senile cataract, retinal detachment, persistent pupillary membrane, progressive retinal atrophy, districhiazis.Because of the high frequency of occurrence of these diseases, dogs used in breeding are subject to an annual ophthalmologic examinations, and should be evaluated by the Foundation for Canine Ophthalmology.


Known also as Shepherd Hungarian Komondoru site has earned a reputation as ferocious guard dog and loyal protector. Still used to guard flocks in his native Hungary, the Komondor has become a beloved pet in the United States.

History and Origin
Testimony about the existence Komondor historical site dating back hundreds of years, so it is considered a very old breed. In the ninth century, Komondor, I have been brought to Hungary by the nomadic tribes. Komondor-II were used in Hungary and pastors to guard their sheep, cattle and goats. They were famous for fighting with wolves, bears and herds people who attacked them. Meet their duties without being supervised or guided by the master. Komondor, I have learned to adapt to harsh conditions and survive independently of the flock.At the time of the Second World War-II Komondor were used to guard military equipment. Many specimens have died on duty, the race became rare after the war.Exporting them in Hungary was becoming difficult in this period because of the political and economic turmoil. Finally, in 1930, Komondor's made his entry into American soil.Some U.S. farmers still use them Komondor-guard and protect livestock herds, but most specimens are today, beloved pets.
Appearance and size
White coat with "cords" of the Komondor's is unique, often described as having dreadlock. Cords have felt texture, look like a mop head. Like chicken, fluffy and curly-haired. The skin is pigmented gray.Komondorii are robust and strong.Height at the withers is 65 cm and weight is between 48-59 kg.
These dogs have extremely strong skills defender. They are intelligent, independent, determined and headstrong. They tend to be reserved towards strangers, seeing their family herd u like to be protected. Komondorii are animals with a developed sense of territory, so they must be carefully supervised when around guests.Komondorii are loyal and affectionate with their families and require very little exercise. Can be noisy and are always alert to predators.
Home & Family Relations
Komondorii dogs are tolerant of children and other animals only if they are considered members of the "flock." Introducing new animals or children inside their home or area can be stressful, Komondor until I accept your family.These dogs can not be forced to please somebody new, they will decide whether or not accept them. This dog breed can be an ideal not just for the very sociable, which are often guests.
Komondor dog has puppies very well socialized since childhood. They must be constantly educated his entire life. Correcting the consistency is crucial. These dogs learn quickly, but instinctively, they tend to be independent and act on whim.
The coat, the "fringes" or laces, require constant attention to prevent its tangling.
Current illnesses
Torsion (dilation) is a gastric disorder sudden life-threatening dog associated with air and torsionarii filling his stomach. Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint coxofemurale resulting in pain, lameness and subsequent arthritis.Eyelid entropion is a condition that involves turning inward of the edge off them.Genes from the free edge of the eyelid irritate the surface of the eyeball, can lead to more serious problems.The average length of the Komondor's life is about 12 years.


Kuvasz natural protective instincts make it's to be one of the best breeds for guarding flocks of sheep today. Kuvasz site is a splendid white dog originating in Tibet, which is an exquisite protective guard dog. Often confused with the Pyrenean Shepherd, Kuvasz does not shows two spurs on the rear legs.

History and Origin
Kuvasz site (Kuvoszok - plural) is an amazing dog, originating in Tibet and remarkable thought it would be related to the Komondor's. Initially used for guarding sheep and cattle, the dog was also used to hunt wild boars. Centuries ago, the race gradually spread throughout Europe and is extensively used in Hungary as well as hunting and guard dog. Impressive and intelligent companion Kuvasz was often the nobility and royal family. There was this dog since 1500 and became popular in the lower social classes. Everything happened in Hungary, thus perfecting the breed dog that we know today.The name "kuvasz" is a distortion, a bruise to the Turkish word "kawasz" meaning protector. Utilize their race, today, is a natural protective instincts of the best breeds for guarding flocks of sheep. Kuvasz is quite fast, strong and agile - important qualities in defending ewes coyotes, wolves and other potentially dangerous animals.Kuvasz site is recognized by the American Kennel Club as a group member utilities.
Appearance dimesniunile
Kuvasz site is a strong and sturdy dog ​​with a gorgeous head. The ears are shaped like the letter "V" with slightly rounded tops, fallen before. The eyes are dark, almond, and the head is long but not pointed. Muscled body is well dressed and vigorous, with a tail hanging down. Fur Kuvasz-s all one color shows a shade of white. Moderate in length, forming hair coat (gown) is double and can be straight or wavy.Height at the withers is 71-76 cm in male and female 66-71 cm. Body weight is 42-52 kg male and female 32-41 kg.
Kuvasz site is a protective innate and can be somewhat possessive. Each member of his family is considered a member of his pack and your Kuvasz will defend his pack until the last breath. The breed tends to become independent and how it can require a large, early, in the direction of development of appropriate social skills.
Home & Family Relations
As a guard dog born, your Kuvasz will protect every member of the family. Not the best choice for families with young children, this breed tends to become better, with superior quality around more than one adult in the family. Kuvasz your dog tends to be an emotionally demanding, emotionally and can be stubborn. Race likes to spend equal time in both home and outside in open air and better support both ambiantele excessively hot and cold ones too.
Kuvasz does not require any special training to be a guard dog, but they require obedience, socialization and cultivation to behave properly.
If not exposed to posnele children from childhood, your Kuvasz can be intolerant and potentially aggressive. This breed requires a full volume of movement to prevent boredom and behavior problems. Early socialization of this dog is crucial to prevent development of distant behavior, cold, unsociable and independent.White fur, beautiful Kuvasz site require regular brushing to keep it in top shape. Thick fur is not necessary because it may lead to the appearance of dry skin problems at the hair. A thorough brushing every day will keep the dog made a stunning appearance.
Current illnesses
Torsion (dilation) is a gastric disorder sudden life-threatening dog associated with air and torsionarii filling his stomach. Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint coxofemurale resulting in pain, lameness and subsequent arthritis. Von Willebrand disease is a disorder that results in failure of blood clotting. Affected dogs will bleed excessively after injury or surgery.The average life-s Kuvasz is 11-14 years.


Puli is a dog with hair made of long cords, and had an important role in the life of Hungarian shepherds for centuries. Used to hand to pasture and to guard the flock, Puli dog was actually trained to run along to keep the flock in a single group.

History and Origin
Puli (plural pulik) is not only an interesting-looking dogs, but also has a interesting history. It is believed that in the late ninth century, when the Magyars arrived in Hungary, and brought with them and herding dogs. These dogs, who both came to class, small and great, and pastors were used to guard sheep, but, Puli also has become an intelligent and desirable companion. It is considered that they are ancestors's Puli, Komondor's,'s Kuvasz, and even the Poodle's.Development of different types of herding dogs was based on their role in pastured sheep. Bright colors herding dogs, which eventually became Komondor Kuvasz-ii-ii and today, were used for keeping cattle at night, being easier to spot after dark compared to Puli. Puli's Blacks were more often used for handles on grazing sheep during the day. The sheep were apparently better instructions given by a darker dog and shepherd dog able to refer more easily than if a black dog similar to sheep. Puli dog was praised for his agile movements and slow, which gave him the status of minister and leader of the herd.During the XVI century, Hungary was invaded and nearly destroyed some of their dogs so special shepherds remained. In the seventeenth century, citizens from different parts of Europe began to recover slightly in far less populated Hungary, and taking their own shepherd dogs with them. European herding dogs were bred with some local Puli them, resulting in the appearance Pumi breed dogs. This causes significant confusion between the two races. For a while, and pumi Puli name was used in the alternative, and essential features, pure Puli's been almost lost.Thanks to the efforts of Emil Raitsits the early 1900s, the Puli was brought back to life, being a completely separate race compared with Pumi. American Kennel Club recognized Puli's in 1936 as a member of the herding class.
Group: Shepherd. The breed is recognized by these organizations and international offices: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
Appearance and size
Puli is the youngest of Hungarian herding dogs, medium size. The dog presents a compact and muscular body, which fit into a square, covered with a coat made of hair arranged in cords (strings). This dog's head is round or oval in profile, being covered by the same type of hair. Puli has almond eyes, coffee-colored, medium sized ears, stems, black pigment and a bent tail, worn "pretzel" on the back, which is not noticeable. The coat is unique. Fluff is soft, dense and woolly (shaggy). Outer hair is long and abundant. Puli's are born with a coat formed by moats. With the increase, fluff and mix with the hair grows out. This has resulted in the formation of long cords, characteristic. These long cords are basically waterproof and provides protection to the dog. The adult coat can reach to the ground. Puli is found in different varieties of black and rust colors, black, beige and white, but, in principle, black is the most common color.
Puli is an affectionate and intelligent dog. Once the lower canine needs pastors, Puli, became a companion easily appreciated. Always wanting to be busy, Puli is a medium sized dog, who loves to have an agile business. Lively, friendly, Puli is very loyal to his family. Their native intelligence makes them easy to educated and trained, but also enable them to "think" and act on their own at will.Both dogs are subjected to, and independent, some dogs can become aggressive with kids and strangers, if not socialized in due course. Although wary of strangers, is never aggressive, but may bark feels threatened if the owner is in danger.
Home & Family Relations
They are excellent family dogs, adjusting to life and circumstances most environments. I would like to live in both the country and an apartment. They are quite active inside the home but will adapt without requiring a court. Puli dog is an energetic, friendly and protective of his owner and his property. It seems they prefer to live outside in the open air. It will adapt to any climate or colder or warmer.Puli dog is very protective of its territory, making it an excellent sheepdog and guard for the farm. Not recommended for families with young children who might fret or be mischievous with them, though, if they are raised chicken will definitely tolerate.
Puli's race is an active, energetic likes of obedience training and the rehabilitation of the water. Dogs are easily trained because their intelligence and devotion to master.
Coat with "strings" is formed around the age of six months, at which deep fluff, soft and woolly hair mix with the outside, rough. As you might expect, Puli coat requires proper care to maintain the look and smell in good condition. Tangled hair that could form during this period, be opened by hand. Formed balls will be removed from the base of the hair.Each hair is different, but the general idea, the "cords" must not be thinner than the diameter of a pencil. Ingirjirea coat is a relaxing and enjoyable process for both dog and cat owner, and if done regularly, take some time. Some choose to open up the cords and gives a shaggy dog. Others let the fur as it is naturally, maintenance is much easier since they only have fur around the cords neat and washed only occasionally. If left in its natural state, Puli site will require regular bathing to remove the strong odor that may arise.Eyes and ears of the dog must be toilet regularly and nails cut short. Race does not remove hair (not shed), but will be trimmed periodic.Necesita sufficient time for the movement. Puli Dogs are energetic and full of life, being in ecstasy when they are allowed to play and to zbenguie, especially if the owner or another canine companion to join him. Some of them seem to love water and are very good swimmers, but not everyone excels in this capacity, so that if allowed to swim will be supravegheati.Daca obedience training is not done, the dog may develop a dominant personality.
Current illnesses
Puli is generally a very strong dog, showing little native sensibilities. Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint coxofemurale resulting in pain, lameness and subsequent arthritis. Progressive retinal atrophy is a disease that causes degeneration of nerve cells in the retina. The disease usually begins in older dogs and can lead to blindness. Battery life is 12-16 years of Puli

Belgian Shepherd Dog

Belgian Shepherd Dog is a vigilant and conscientious with a strong protective and territorial instincts. This native breed excels as a police dog and guard dog.

History and Origin
Over time, the Belgians have used a variety of dogs to guard flocks of animals. After trials and errors of growth and selection, eventually managed to create a dog that was agile, strong, intelligent and loyal. In 1891, these dogs were known as Belgian Sheepdogs. Until this year, four different versions were created by Belgian Shepherd.They had the same conformation, but had different hair types, and colors look like. In Belgium and France, these dogs were registered as one race, as the Chien Berger Belge (Belgian Shepherd). They are considered one breed with four varieties. In other parts of the world, including the United States, each variety is considered a different race by themselves. Belgian Shepherd is one of them.In addition to or Groenendael Belgian Shepherd (long-haired and black), others are represented by Belgian Sheepdogs Belgian Malinois (short and smooth coat) Belgian Tervueren (long coat any shade of black) and Belgian Laekenois (wiry hair).Of these, only Laekenois is not recognized by the American Kennel Club.Belgian Shepherd, in general, was created in Belgium. Belgian Shepherd, in particular, was initially associated with the city Groenendael and was created by Nicholas Rose, a Belgian breeder. He created the first Belgian Shepherd kennel consists of two copies of this race, Petite and Picard of Uccle. Their descendants formed the breeding stock of the breed. This dog was trained to be an intelligent and loyal companion and for use in search and rescue operations in services as messengers and police and ambulance dogs during the First World War. Today, the Belgian Shepherd is often used as a companion dog.The four Belgian breeds have been recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1912 as members of the herding group. In 1959, they were recognized as separate breeds, except Laekenois.Today, the Belgian Shepherd is recognized by these offices and international organizations: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, CKC, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
Appearance and size
Belgian Shepherd dog is a muscular, but lean, with body that fits perfectly into a square and balanced. Eyes are almond and brown. The ears are triangular and carried high, and the muzzle is long and tapered but not pointed. The chest is neither broad nor narrow, but deep, reaching elbow level. Rear legs are muscular, but not stumpy. Forelegs are straight and parallel to each other, with round paws like a cat.Spurs are removed from the rear limbs and can be removed from the front. Belgian Shepherd tail is long and bushy.Belgian Shepherd coat is long and straight, thick layer is provided with a deep puff. At the neck, forming a fur collar and fringes on the sides of the body, limbs and tail. The face and limbs are covered with extreme short hair. Black coat color is this dog and can be fitted with some white markings, a little white is acceptable on the chest, chin and fingers. This dog adapts easily to extreme temperatures.Belgian Shepherd adult can reach a height of 61-65 cm at withers in male and female 56-61 cm. The male body weight is around 29-34 kg, while females can reach up to 27-32 kg.
Belgian Shepherd is an intelligent dog with a protective instinct native who helped him excel in pastured animals in defense of property. Most are affectionate and gentle, but some may be frightened or even aggressive, especially if not socialized since childhood. Belgian Shepherd is an excellent guard dog. As well, the Belgian Shepherd is also an excellent companion. It is alert, keen and faithful nedezlipindu the master. Belgian Shepherd has a lot of energy that you have to eat it, so that will always be happy when you will be given a mission to accomplish. And tends to create strong ties with one or two members of his family. Belgian Shepherd needs an experienced owner to control him and his temper bouts.
Home & Family Relations
Belgian Shepherd is a dog to the family, affectionate and loyal, who craves human company and lots of activity. Some specimens may become overly protective of his family members and families with children are indicated greater age. One can understand other pets if raised with them, but can "pack" small pets, and some specimens may even be aggressive. This dog would rather live in a house with large courtyard and a family with active, but you can adapt and live in an apartment if it is removed frequently for long walks. Be aware that the Belgian Shepherd is an extremely energetic dog that can become destructive if not trained enough.
Belgian Shepherd is an intelligent dog that requires both a basic and advanced training, and socialization early in childhood. Companion is a loyal, trustworthy and who excel in police operations as a watchdog. For this reason, the Belgian Shepherd needs a strong owner, consistently, but gently and should not be allowed to dominate family members. This breed is easily trained and trained to perform different tasks and loves to always have something to do.
Belgian Shepherds require a lot of exercise and training, otherwise he may become uncontrollable and destructive. This dog does not like to be left alone for long periods of time, can find ways to escape the intolerable boredom. Belgian Shepherd requires early socialization to prevent the development of behavioral disorders such as aggression or its salbaticirea.Belgian Shepherd has a long-haired, straight, often equipped with a deep down that requires daily brushing and grooming. An extra care should be taken during periods of shedding. Remove tangled hair that forms the collar or limb extremities. Belgian Shepherd is a dog that shed abundant seasonally, twice a year.
Current illnesses
In general, the Belgian Shepherd dog is a sturdy and durable with few medical problems. However, these illnesses have been reported:Torsion (dilation) is a gastric disorder sudden life-threatening dog associated with air and torsionarii filling his stomach.Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint that results in the appearance coxofemurale pain and arthritis schiopaturii consecutive.Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system that develops between the ages of 2-5 years.Belgian Shepherd is also prone to allergies, dermatitis, eye disease, elbow dysplasia, behavioral imbalances (too shy or too aggressive) and obesity, so that should not be fed in excess.
Average life of the Belgian Shepherd is 12-14 years.

Border Collie

The intelligence and his will, Border Collie many years dominated the world of canine sports competitions, especially in samples of discipline. Originally from England and Scotland, Border Collie and has earned an indisputable popularity in Australia as utility Shepherd.

History and Origin
Border Collie originated in Northumberland, the boundary region between Scotland and England. It is believed that race were descended from old British breeds and herding dogs herd with some influential type of spaniel breeds. Long before either indistrualizata Britain, British Isles were based on sheep breeding to sustain their economy. Sheep needed constant supervision, so that was the Border Collie do this activity in a manner worthy of adulation.Border Collie was first mentioned in 1570 in an English book about dogs. Since then, various herding breeds were created, but none compares to the Border Collie.Originally, the breed was perfected around the year 1890 in provinces bordering between England and Scotland, povincii race and was then called. Its good supervisor skills flocks and enthusiasm have resulted in an increased demand of this breed in Australia and New Zealand. Even today, people who still think that Border Collies originated in Australia. One of the most skillful race, Border Collie was also used to detect narcotics and bombs, in search and rescue operations in the police service. Some specimens were able to be successfully trained to be used as guide dogs for people with disabilities.Despite the bitter objection of some Border Collie breed associations (ABCA, BCSA, USBCC, etc..) To be registered by the AKC, the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1995 as a member of the group and Cattle herding dogs.Today the breed is recognized by these offices and international organizations: ABC, also have, CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
Appearance and size
Border Collie is a medium sized dog with the muzzle neither too large nor too small.Conical head has a prominent stop, and the ears are held partially or fully lifted.Muzzle tapers towards the nose black. Oval eyes are generally dark brown, Merle variety except that one eye may be blue. Long tail can reach up to the middle third of the hind limbs, spine extension is worn only when the dog is raised and never back pretzel.The double coat is weather resistant. There are two varieties of fur, a smooth and short and one long. The hair around the neck is longer, forming a ridge. The hair on the face, ears and front legs is always short and smooth. Border collies can be found in a variety of colors and color combinations, but white is generally the predominant color. The most common color is black or white stains without traditional tail tip, from the collar, legs and head and extremity with or without brown markings. Other colors are represented by Merle (blackbird color) and Sable (color sable).Border Collies can reach adult body weight of about 14-20 kg and 12-19 kg male and a female at the withers height of about 48-56 cm in male and female 46-53 cm.
Great love the Border Collie's life is pastured sheep, although it can also shepherds and cattle. The breed is able to crawl and get into action ghemuiasca and as soon as any sheep out of line. Borded Collie is nimble and quick, and is considered one of the most intelligent breeds. Border Collie is an extremely energetic dog with an impressive strength and vitality. For this reason, he needs a lot of activities and challenges.A dog is a perfectionist and is always willing to please his master. Border Collie can become destructive if bored or ignored. He also can develop behavior problems if left alone for long periods of time. This breed is well known as being a true artist to escape.
Home & Family Relations
Border Collie is a loyal breed and worthy of confidence. They are developing a close relationship with one of their members falimiei, often skipping the others. For this reason, they may be uninspired choice for some families. Border Collie is affectionately known persons, but reserved with strangers, so it is considered a good guard dog. They are so docile and protectors, greedy for human company.
Border Collie's likes to learn and play. The intelligent Border Collie needs a dedicated owner, consistent and willing to spend more time (more than other breeds), especially when it involves education and training of it. Otherwise, you will get a copy of frustration, weakness and difficult to control. Many Border Collies can be trained to carry out orders to certain hand signs or signals to sound. The look of a Border Collie during its supervisory activity of a herd of sheep is a great experience.
Border Collie needs a lot of activity and mental stimulation to prevent the development of behavior disorders. Quick and agile, this tiny dog ​​has endless energy, always feeling the need to play or to have something to do.Border Collie should be brushed and combed regularly to keep the coat in good condition. A special care must be taken when or deep fluff is soft and often replaced.Bathing and trimming with dry shampoos (powder) will be made only when the situation requires. Border Collies shed moderate and seasonal.
Current illnesses
In general, the Border Collie is a strong and healthy dog ​​with few medical sensibility.However, these diseases have been reported with increased frequency:
- Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint coxofemurale resulting in the appearance of pain, and arthritis schiopaturii consecutive.
- Criptorhidismul is a disorder manifested by the absence of migration of one or both testicles in the scrotum. Testicles, ie, testes that have not migrated in testicular scholarship, leaving the abdominal cavity or the paths are likely sooner or later to tumorizeze. For this reason, specimens with criptorhidism will be castrated.
- The Collie eye anomaly is a condition characterized by deficient development of the eyeball. It is a genetic disease, and most eye injuries associated with this disease occurs at birth. The disease affects the retina, choroid, and in some cases, sclera and optic nerve.
- Progressive retinal atrophy is a disease that causes degeneration of nerve cells in the retina. The disease often begins in the old dogs and can lead to blindness.
- Husk is a disease of the eye that results in the appearance of inflammation.
- Dislocation of the lens is represented by detaching or moving out of its anatomical lens inside the eye.
- Cataracts cause a loss of normal transparency of the lens. The condition may occur in one or both eyes and can gradually lead to blindness.
- Shoulder osteochondrosis is a congenital disorder that induces a degenerative arthropathy of the shoulder joint.
- Congenital deafness is present at birth.
In addition, the Border Collie is prone to flea saliva allergy and epilepsy.
The average life expectancy of the breed Border Collie is about 11-14 years

Belgian Shepherd Malinois

Belgian Shepherd Malinois is one of four different varieties of Belgian Shepherd were created, all with the same conformational features, but skins diferite.Ciobanescul Belgian Malinois is a breed of guard astounding and very conscientious, with a strong instinct of protection and territory. This breed excels as a police dog in search and rescue operations and the protective innate.

History and Origin
Over time, the Belgians have used different dogs to help guard flocks and pastured cattle. After mating trial and error, they finally managed to create a dog that is agile, strong, intelligent and loyal. In 1891, these dogs were known as Belgian shepherds.Since then, four different varieties of Belgian Shepherd Dog was created. They were mostly about the same conformational features, but different types of furs. In Belgium and France, these dogs were registered as belonging to the same races, respectively, Belgian Shepherd, are considered one breed with four different varieties. In many other parts of the world, including the United States, each variety is considered a separate and distinct breed. Belgian Shepherd Malinois is one of them.Besides Belgian Shepherd Malinois (short hair and plain), others are represented by Belgian shepherd or Belgian Shepherd Groenendael (long black coat), Belgian Shepherd Tervuren (long-haired black and any color) and Belgian Shepherd Laekenois (wiry fur ). Of these, only Laekenois is recognized by the American Kennel Club. Belgian Shepherd Malinois, Belgian Sheepdogs as well as others, was designed in Belgium. This version of the Belgian Shepherd was initially associated city Mechelen. This breed was created to be an intelligent and loyal family dog, very loved in his native lands. In 1911, the first Belgian Shepherd Malinois was imported into the United States and recognized by the American Kennel Club. In 1963, there was a second import of Belgian Sheepdogs, and its popularity has grown rapidly. In 1965, the American Kennel Club recognized the Belgian Shepherd Malinois, framing it in the group of dogs and 22 years later, the breed was accepted into the class and Cattle herding dogs. Today, the breed is recognized by these offices and international organizations: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, CKC, NKC, NZKC, ANKC, APRI, ACR.
Appearance and size
Belgian Shepherd Malinois dog is a lean, well dressed in muscles, with a square body, well proportioned. His eyes express the pride and elegance. The head is flat and is parallel to the muzzle. The eyes are almond shaped and brown, with a look alert and questioning. The ears are triangular and carried high, and the muzzle is tapered but not pointed. The nose is black. The chest is neither broad nor narrow, but is reaching deep into the elbow region. Hindquarters are muscular, but not look massive. Forelegs are straight and parallel to each other, ending with feet rontunjite similar to those of the cat. Spurs of hind limbs are amputated and can be removed and the previous ones. Belgian Shepherd Malinois tail is long and bushy, carried curled. Its fur is short and dense with a rich deep down, dark brown and mahogany mask, black ears and lips. Some white spots are allowed on the chest and legs. The hair around the neck is a little longer, forming a collar. Belgian Shepherd Malinois mature adult can reach a height at the withers by about 61-66 cm and 56-61 cm in male and female body weight about 24-29 kg.
Belgian Shepherd Malinois is an intelligent dog instinctive protective nature that helps him excel in pastured animals in defense of property. Most are affectionate and gentle, but some can be downright frightened or aggressive, especially if you do not socialize early on in childhood. Belgian Shepherd Malinois is an excellent guard dog and protection. These dogs are used to detect narcotics and bombs, in taking all, for security and protection in search and rescue operations.
Home & Family Relations
Belgian Shepherd Malinois is a dog with a dominant character who needs an experienced owner. Belgian Shepherd Malinois is a good protector for children and property due to his native instinct to anticipate dangers. However, they are not the most tolerant dog with other household pets. Belgian Shepherd Malinois loves long walks and prefer colder climates. They are very good companion dogs, but require early socialization and obedience training is. Belgian Shepherd Malinois like to grow up in a house with a large courtyard with an active family, but you can adapt and life in an apartment if it is often put on long rides. It is moderately active inside the home, such as a court of reasonable size is welcome. Note that Belgian Shepherd Malinois is an extremely energetic dog that can become destructive if you do not have sufficient movement to and consume energy. Belgian Shepherd Malinois prefer cooler climates, but adapt to others.
Belgian Shepherd Malinois is an intelligent dog that requires both a training base, and one advanced, along with early socialization. Belgian Shepherd Malinois needs a firm owner, consistent, but gentle and should not be allowed to dominate family members. This breed can be taught to perform a variety of tricks and is happiest when he has something to do.
Belgian Shepherd Malinois has a short coat, easy to care that must be brushed daily to keep clean and bright. Regular brushing with a brush bristles and bathing only when the situation requires sufficient. This breed shed less constant, but it completely replaces hair twice an.Ciobanescul Belgian Malinois needs more exercise and training, otherwise it will become uncontrollable and destructive.
Current illnesses
In general, Belgian Shepherd Malinois is a healthy dog ​​with few health problems.However, these diseases and disorders have been reported with increased frequency:- Torsion (dilation) is a gastric disorder sudden threatening animal life associated with air and torsionarii filling his stomach.- Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint coxofemurale resulting in the appearance of pain, and arthritis schiopaturii consecutive.- Epilepsy is a nervous system disorder that manifests with predilection the age of 2-5 years. Belgian Shepherd Malinois is also prone to several types of cancer, allergic dermatitis, elbow dysplasia and eye disease.The average Belgian Shepherd Malinois life is 12-14 years.

Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail)

Bobtail's also known as Old English Sheepdog is a dog that look like teddy bear, fluffy. Zbenguie and loves to play with children, but so far she likes to spend a few moments of day one, without being disturbed. Shaggy coat was thick and require more care or visits to the canine beauty parlor.

History and Origin
It's believed Bobtail was developed in the early 1800s in southwest England. The breeds used to create this unique races are controversial. One of the theories about the origins claimed to Bobtail's race is the offspring of the races Barbone and Deerhound. Another site says that Bobtail is a cross with Bergamasco's Briard, and the third theory says that this race would descend from a shaggy dog ​​named Russian nationality "Owtchar", which was brought by sailors from the Baltic Sea provincesKingdom. It's supposed Bobtail had been increased and improved by British farmers, who needed a dog to guard them and shepherd cattle and sheep herds. Since the beginning of the race, Bobtail-s tails were shortened as a way of identifying dogs exempt from taxes, hence the name Bobtail. Their coats are thick and hairy was often sheared each spring, spun and used for weaving of blankets or other garments.In the nineteenth century, Bobtail site had to be extensively used in agriculture. In 1873, the Bobtail was your first date in a canine exhibition in England.Until 1880's Bobtail was imported into the United States where he became quite popular among the richest American families. In 1905, Bobtail site was recognized by the American Kennel Club as a member of the group and Cattle herding dogs.Today, the breed is recognized by these offices and international organizations: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, CKC, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
Appearance and size
Bobtail-is a compact dog with the line cord can lean forward from hips to shoulder blades, a very rare breeds of dogs. The head is large and flat with small ears, drooping. The eyes may be blue or brown, some specimens can be even squinting.The nose is large and black. Bobtail's body is robust, well proportioned and muscular.The thorax is broad and deep. Forelegs are straight and are provided with small and rounded paws. The tail is docked near the base, if your copy is not born with it short.His shaggy coat is a characteristic of the breed. The double and long. Coat color can be blue, gray, blue gray or blue with white spots Merle. Bobtail's progress is similar to the bear.Bobtail can reach your adult height at the withers by about 56-61 cm in male and female about 51-54 cm. Bobtail-ii, at maturity, can reach a body weight exceeding 27 kg, and some specimens can reach up to 45-47 kg.
Bobtail-is a gentle giant dog and iubaret. Most are very affectionate, but some specimens may be aggressive with strangers if not properly socialize since childhood. It's a dog with a temperament and versatile. Bobtail-ii are friendly, intelligent, loyal and protective, keeping their native gregarious instinct.
Home & Family Relations
Bobtail-is the most happy in a family with children. Nothing makes him happier than to play with children, but also needs some moments of solitude. Bobtail-I have a strong gregarious instinct, with a tendency "to pastors' children. Although a large dog, he is so active, so it's very possible to find it often linger on the couch.Bobtail can adapt your living in an apartment if it is removed daily walks or a fenced yard. Bobtail-is quite active inside the home and will be happy if he is offered a reasonably sized yard in which to roam freely.
Some specimens can be stubborn and independent, making their training of a little more difficult. Bobtail's need to be taught by a master strong, consistent and patient.
Bobtail site has a lot of hair, which requires daily combing and brushing to prevent tangling and tarnishing it. Moatele tangled hair that forms will be removed by trimming, carefully so as not to be injured skin. If your copy does not participate in dog shows, then, for it will facilitate the care and maintenance is recommended to mow it short at about 3-4 months. The hair around the eyes and the limbs extremities will be sent with scissors dull. In general, spring (April-May), Bobtail's massive shed.
Current illnesses
Bobtail-is generally a robust race and resistance, specifically designed to confront the stocism all weather. As with other breeds, he can not be exempt from certain medical sensitivity:- Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint coxofemurale resulting in the appearance of pain, and arthritis schiopaturii consecutive.- Cataracts cause a loss of normal transparency of the lens. The condition may occur in one or both eyes and can gradually lead to blindness.- Torque (dilation) is a gastric disorder sudden threatening animal life associated with air and torsionarii filling his stomach.- Progressive retinal atrophy is a disease that causes degeneration of nerve cells in the retina. The disease often begins in the old dogs and can lead to blindness.- Eyelid entropion is a condition that involves turning inward of the edge off them.Genes from the free edge of the eyelid irritate the surface of the eyeball, can lead to more serious problems.- Demodicosis is a parasitic skin disease.- Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia is a serious blood disorder, which results in profound anemia.- Portosistemic shunt is a malformation of blood flow associated liver. Blood is we are far from the liver, resulting in accumulation of blood toxins and subsequent worsening of overall depth.- Ivermectin poisoning - sensitivity to ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug commonly, may occur due to genetic abnormalities. This medicine should be used with caution in this race.- Cervical spine instability, wobbler syndrome, it is a malformation of the spine in the neck that induces infirmity, insecurity in walking and possibly paralysis.Bobtail-is also prone criptorhidiei, deafness and diabetes.The average life expectancy of Bobtail's is 10-12 years.